Secondcity has been barred by WordPress from appearing in search results for ‘American School of Aviation’

This is very unfortunate and we don’t have any idea, why they are doing it or how did it happenned? It can be a technical flaw but our other blog (Study Abroad Commission Junction) with the same tag (American School of Aviation) is featured on the search results.

One of our reader pointed out yesterday in one of his comments and than Echo Yankee also complained about the same thing. All the posts which were published on SecondCity were missing from wordpress result pages and few similar posts which were published by our another blog were showing up there. It is still not showing and our team is trying to get hold of great guys at WordPress but Its mid-night and we can’t do anything about it.

Probably you’ll not be able to search for news & updates related to the American School of Aviation in SecondCity WordPress Blog any more. There is no need to worry, just subscribe to the our feed here or bookmark our url


Ashutosh, News Desk, SecondCity

Dan Winther
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4 thoughts on “Secondcity has been barred by WordPress from appearing in search results for ‘American School of Aviation’”

  1. 2ndcity
    Upon responding to the following message:

    Warning: We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue and re-enable posting

    I have received the following reply.

    [WordPress #HJN-453104]:

    2008/08/19 6:46:33

    Please remove all ads and paid content from your blog.


    Automattic |

    It seems the issue needs to be resolved between 2ndcity and WordPress.
    I hope it will be resolved amicably and a full functionality of the blog will be restored without further undue burden to the subscribers shortly.

    echo yankee, over↗

  2. Meenaxi Rai,

    Roger that!

    (oh, in case you’re not an aviator, “Roger” means all understood in pilot’s lingo.)

    And still interested to know what’s found after the smoke clears.

    echo yankee, out!

    (oh, sorry for another lingo, “out” means “this ends my transmission/message)

  3. @ echo yankee
    If its a technical glitch than why other blog is showing up in result pages. Check it by yourself. Just search for American School of Aviation in WordPress search box and you will only see the results from . And one more thing, our little master (Avneet SidhU) has find out why the smiley icons were showing up in your posts. When you write 8 following with the bracket close i.e. ) than it will transform itself to a smiley icon itself, some kind of language used by WordPress guys. if you want to use dates in brackets that please leave a space in the end such as 2008 ).
    Meenaxi Rai

  4. Ashutosh,
    Your headline exudes a tinge of conspiracy that impinges on a very foundation of freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the like kind elsewhere around the free world.

    Even a hint of some level of connivance and skullduggery in play seems a bit stretch, IMHO.

    I think it’s just a technical glitch of temporary nature which we aviators call it a “maintenance squawk” in our lingo.

    Please post your finding after the smoke clears.

    Now back to the regular program in progress on the ASA front.

    echo yankee, out!

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